Agency for hydrometeorology
The Committee of Environmental Protection under the
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
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Conducting a training seminar with the participation of specialists from the state hydrometeorological networks of the Khatlon region and districts of republican subordination

On February 21 this year, a training seminar was held at the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan with the participation of leaders and specialists of state hydrometeorological networks of the Khatlon region and districts of republican subordination.

During the seminar, the Agency's specialists informed about the work programs of the stations, the provision of urgent meteorological information, the performance of official duties, promotional and training events through speeches and presentations.

The participants of the seminar got acquainted with the necessary information on the topics of analysis: the state of meteorological and climate information, weather forecasting and natural disasters, the study of clouds, the quality of agrometeorological data, work with the Persona MIS and River Regime programs, the quality of reports and analysis of the activities of gauging stations , on the telecommunications system, reflecting communications in meteorological networks and automatic stations, on methods of monitoring surface water and air, on the procedure for observing the occurrence of mudflows and avalanches, providing warnings about hazardous natural phenomena, on safety rules, etc. .

        It should be noted that the holding of such training seminars stimulates and improves the qualifications of specialists in the field of hydrometeorology, and plays an important role in the implementation of activities in the field of hydrometeorological observations at a high specialized level.
